I posted this technique quiet long ago on a DOA article about some Aphex twins tread, I can't find it back but try to describe it again because the results wher pretty amazing.
Still can't find it, but it works great on reeces, to get that snappy sound, it's a kind of manual buffer override.
-export a sound file to raw- format(you can do so in cool edit, audition or check your sound editor if it can do so...)
-then open in photoshop,the with x height = the amount of bytes, so square root the amount of bytes will give you the with and height with even aspect ratios, the total amount of bytes should be less (or pohotoshop will start giving you the following error "specified image is larger than file", leave it 8bit, count is 1, header size you can play with.
-edit and save as raw-format, open in sound editor, export as soundfile