Hardcore 12" for sale

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il y a 19 ans 11 mois #3672 par negativenetwork
I have some hardcore 12" for sale for anyone interested. All prices in Australian dollars (AUS). Discounts made on bulk orders:

CURSE002 Hardmakz - Dioxine Overload $15
CONTRAROTATIVE007 SpeedyQ's - Deadline E.P (WHITE) $15
EPILEPTIK001 Chappy The Plumber - Chappy vs Le Zinger (RARE) $20
STRIKE026 Tron, Seige & Menace - Meat for the beast (SPEEDCORE) $20
DISTURBANCE Matt Green - South London ('New Control' etc.) $20
CEREBRALDESTRUCTIONSANA003 Various - Frazzbass, HCM, Komprex (SPEEDCORE) $15
IND.STRENGTH046 Suicide Squad- 8-bit Shit $20
KS333 Moleculez - Devils Brood (WHITE) $15
STRIKE002 AXL- My 2nd Strike (PIC-DISC / RARE) $20
CEREBRALDESTRUCTIONSANA005 Various - Hotrebor, Komprex, Amiga Shock Force, Interrupt Vector etc. (SPEEDCORE) $15
BONEHEDDZ002 DJ Freak- Unknown Territories $20
CORRUPT002 Matt Green - South London $20
B.E.A.S.T.011 The Beastfuckers / Sonic Dragolgo - Marsielle Tokyo E.P $15
CURSE003 Moleculez - Mental Disorder (WHITE) $15
IND.STRENGTH20 DX13- Power Surge $20
KS444 SpeedyQ's - Spidikiouz (WHITE) $15
SACREDFORCES002 Sacred Forces- Evil Exists $15
PI216 Matt vs C4 - The Number (WHITE) $15
KS323 Deadlock - Riot in Sydney E.P. $15
KS323 Deadlock - Riot in Sydney E.P. (WHITE) $15
IND.STRENGTH35 Industrial Terror Squad- Welcome to the Killing Fields (RARE) $20
IND.STRENGTHLIMITED006 Multi Death Clan- Welcome to Oblivion (RARE) $20
RUSSIANROULETTE003 Zodiac- Lykanthropie EP (SPEEDCORE / ACID) $15
SEVEN006 Noize Generator- Limited Edition $20
RUFFBEATS012 Suicide Squad- Enter Da Squad $20
CURSE001 Psykotropp - Apocalyptique (WHITE) $15
STRIKE021 Xylocaine- Pressure Sores EP $20

pictures of everything here:


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il y a 19 ans 11 mois #3760 par hoolz
Réponse de hoolz sur le sujet Re: Hardcore 12" for sale
vla les price de ouf :shock:...fo mieux allez faire mumuse sur ebay :evil:

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